
Keyword Research & Analysis
Keyword research is one of the most important steps in making your search engine optimization campaign effective. There are many ways to approach it, but we start with YOU, our client. Because you know your business better than anyone, we ask you first if you can think of any keywords your prospective customers might use online to find your business. In addition to your input, we compile a list of valuable keywords based on two main elements:
  • Keyword competition: How many of your competitors are targeting each keyword
  • Keyword search volume: How many of your prospective customers are searching for this keyword
After compiling the data, we share our findings with you and discuss which keywords we’ll be targeting. Keywords are the backbone of any SEO campaign, and at PDR Web Solutions we want your campaign to succeed, so we take research seriously. Even more – we revise targeted keyword data every month and tweak your campaign when necessary.

Title Tag Optimization
First and foremost title tags are very important from the search engine point of view. This is because all major and minor search engines place much weightage on these tags (and use these tags to gather information about an website) in comparison to all other aspects
Secondly many major search engines like google and yahoo! display title tags of a web page as a heading in their SERPs (Search engine results page) followed by a breif description of the content were the keywords appear
The third most important function of title tags is to help the user in finding out which page he is on. Almost all popular browsers including Microsoft Internet Explorer, display title tags on the top bar as well as the bottom. Firefox 1.0 uses title tags to describe 'tabs'. This makes title tags extremely important from the web usability point of view as well

Meta Tags Optimization
The description tag should be written in such way that it will show what information your website contains or what your website is about. Write short and clear sentences that will not confuse your visitors.
The description tag should be less than 200 characters. The meta description tag also has a great importance for the SEO optimization of your page. It is most important for the prospect visitor when looking at the search engine result page - this tag is often displayed there and helps you to distinguish your site from the others in the list.

Meta Robots tag
 This tag helps you to specify the way your website will be crawled by the search engine. There are 4 types of Meta Robots Tag:
Index, Follow - The search engine robots will start crawling your website from the main/index page and then will continue to the rest of the pages.
Index, NoFollow - The search engine robots will start crawling your website from the main/index page and then will NOT continue to the rest of the pages.
NoIndex, Follow - The search engine robots will skip the main/index page, but will crawl the rest of the pages.
NoIndex, NoFollow - None of your pages will be crawled by the robot and your website will not be indexes by the search engines.
If you want to be sure that all robots will crawl you website we advise you to add a "Index, follow" meta robot tag. Please note that most of the search engine crawlers will index your page staring from the index page, continuing to the rest of the pages, even if you do not have a robot tag. So if you wish your page not to be crawled or to be crawled differently use the appropriate robot tag.

Header Tags H1, H2, & H3 Optimization
This post or blog is actually an example of how to use your header tags.  See below:
My h1 = <h1>H1, H2 and H3 Header Tags for SEO</h1>
My h2 = <h2>Why are h1, h2 and h3 header tags important for SEO?</h2>
My h3 = <h3>How to use the h1, h2 and h3 tags</h3>
As you can see, I used my h1 to capture the overall theme of the post since it represents what’s most important. I then used my h2 as a subheading to reinforce my h1 and overall theme. The same can be said about my h3 and how it relates to my other headings and overall theme.
Header tags are a key component to SEO and can help improve your rankings on the search engines. Check your pages now and see if you’re using your h1, h2 and h3 correctly!

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